Core Forum in Salt Lake City, UT, was a wonderful experience! The size of the conference made for excellent networking opportunities, and the content exceeded expectations. I gave two talks, and details are below:
“Wait, Wait, Please Tell Me! Everything You Wanted to Know About Publishing and Presenting in LIS” with Meggan Houlihan, Head of Student Success at Colorado State University
Have you completed an interesting project or conducted useful research that informs your practice? Do you want to share your knowledge and experience with the library and information science community, but aren’t sure how best to do it? Join us for a session on how to share and promote your work, develop conference proposals, and publish in a variety of venues. The session will offer practical strategies for communicating the value of your work and creating a community of practice. This session is designed for anyone in the LIS profession, in any type of library or information center.
“360 View of the 360 Review” with Catherine Johnson, Associate Library Director for User Services at the United States Naval Academy, and Lucy Holman, Associate Provost, Teaching, Learning & Library Services and Dean of W. M. Randall Library at University of North Carolina-Wilmington
360-degree feedback, also called multisource feedback, is an evaluative tool in which individuals receive performance-based feedback from employees, colleagues, supervisors, and others in order to capitalize on strengths and identify areas for improvement. This type of feedback can serve as a complement to a standard performance review system. In this presentation, speakers will share their experiences with utilizing 360-degree feedback at two institutions, one in the early stages of implementation and the other with years of experience with this method. The presentation will provide an overview of the benefits and challenges of 360-degree feedback, strategies for implementation, and lessons learned.