Rachel Borchardt, Symphony Bruce, Charlotte Roh and I recently published an article on LIS disciplinary values in scholarly communications. The citation and abstract are below.
Borchardt, R., Bruce, S., Click, A. (2021). Are we walking the talk? A snapshot of how academic LIS journals are (or aren’t) enacting disciplinary values. In the Library with the Lead Pipe. Available at https://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2022/walking-the-talk/
The academic library field claims to value social responsibility, open access, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). But academic library journal practices do not always reflect these values. This article describes a mixed-method study designed to operationalize and measure these values in practice. We found that many of the journals we examined have open access policies and practices but fall short in providing for accessibility and ensuring EDI in their publication processes. In short, library journals are not meeting the ideals that our own field has defined.