Meggan Houlihan, Claire Walker Wiley and I gave a talk on the final piece of our multi-method study on business information literacy at LOEX 2021. This work was funded by the BRASS Emerald Research Grant Award. Citation, session description, and outcomes are below, and slides are linked here.
Wiley, C. W., Houlihan, M., Click, A. B. (2021, May 11). Transformation or troublesome? Business information literacy perspectives on the ACRL Framework. LOEX, online.
This session presents the findings of a multi-method study exploring business librarians’ perspectives on the ACRL Framework. Via survey and focus group interviews, participants addressed the usefulness of specific frames, collaboration with faculty, other tools and theories that inform instruction practice, and more. Generally, business librarians feel that the Framework was not designed with certain disciplines – especially professional disciplines – in mind. They do not tend to use it directly, although it does inform their thinking. This session will be of interest to librarians who are grappling with the use of the Framework in their own disciplinary instructional contexts.
Participants will:
- Examine their own instructional contexts in order to identify opportunities to adapt and apply the ACRL Framework.
- Identify alternative tools and/or theories for information literacy instruction, in order to expand their pedagogical practice.
- Understand the value of multi-method design in information literacy research.